Monday, January 5, 2009

Frankenstein (1931)

What strikes you about this film?

Frankenstein was a very interesting film for its time. It uses very low key technology compared to our time but I'm sure for their time, it was one of the more advanced films during that era. The way Mr. Boris Karloff portrayed the monster from the movie was very revolutionary for the general audience to experience.

The one scene that really stood out to me was when Dr. Frankenstein saw the monster first begin to walk and then his assistant, Igor, decided to introduce fire to the monster in an aggressive manner by basically scaring the monster and making him angry. Eventually, the monster killed Igor while Dr. F went to the door.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Will. I agree about the special effects and how Karloff did a brilliant job in portraying the monster. However, try to be more specific in your writing (show don't tell). What made the performance brilliant? I also agree that the scene with the assistant is striking and important, but why do you think so?
